Teaching Courses (2013-2014)

I'll put specific informations regarding the teaching I'll do this year at the university Paris 12, École Supérieure d'Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion.

and the supervision of about 10 students of the ESIAG each year since 2008.

Supervision of Students

All the scientific reports, if not given here, are available upon request.

Ph.D. Theses

  1. M. Potier started in 2012 a thesis on the subject of Integration of levels of organization in a domain-specific language for the modeling of complex systems.

  2. L. Bigo, started a Ph.D. in 2010 on the subject Symbolic representation and topological analysis of muscial structures.

  3. A. Spicher, 2006, “Transformation de collections topologiques de dimension arbitraires. Application a la modelisation de systemes dynamiques”. Ph.D. A. Spicher was a post-doc at INRIA Lorraine, MAIA project and is now an assistant professor at the university of Paris 12

    A. Spicher has developed a large number of applications of MGS in the biological domain. He has also done a great deal of theoretical work in the definition of a general formalization of the notion of topological collection based on abstract combinatorial topology and a probabilistic semantics for MGS.

  4. J. Cohen, 2004, “Integration des collections topologiques et des transformations dans un langage fonctionnel”. Ph.D. J. Cohen is now associate professor at the University of Nantes.

    J. Cohen has participated in the development of an interpreter for the MGS language using a higher-order abstract syntax scheme and in the definition of a generic pattern matching algorithm for the topological collections. He also developed a typing strategy for a sub-part of the language.

Masters Theses with a Specific Computer Science Focus

  1. S. Outerbah, 1998, “Introduction d’une notion de reference distante dans un formalisme de capture de noms et implementation d’une plate-forme d’experimentation”, D.E.A. Informatique
  2. E. Delsinne, 2002, ”Structures de donnees indexees par un groupe, isomorphismes de GBF abeliens et extensions aux structures automatiques”, E.N.S. Cachan and University of Rennes-I
  3. V. Larue, 2002, “Structures de donnees indexees par un groupe : representation graphique et extension au cas non abelien”, D.E.A. INFO
  4. A. Spicher, 2003, “Typage et compilation de filtrage de chemins dans des collections topologiques”, D.E.A. AMIB
  5. F. Thonnerieux, 2003, “Realisation d’une interface graphique pour le traitement des sorties du programme MGS”, ENSIEE
  6. L. Perret, 2005, “Integration des types de donnees algebriques dans MGS”, Ecole Centrale Paris
  7. Y. Jullian, 2005, “Conception et developpement d’un editeur graphique de filtre pour MGS”, ENSIEE
  8. L. Lemonnier, 2012, “Réseau de Petri et programmation spatiale”, SSI
  9. D. Keller, 2012, “Un langage pour les grands systèmes amorphes et autonomes”, SSI

Masters Theses with a Specific Bio-Computing Focus

  1. J.-V. Segard, 1997, “Modeles de morphogenese biologique dans un langage declaratif de simulation”, D.E.A. of Cognitive Science of L.I.M.S.I, U.P.R. 3251 du C.N.R.S
  2. N. Mann, 2004, “Hyperstructures et modelisation de chimie artificielle dans le langage MGS”, D.E.A. AMIB
  3. D. Boussie, 2004, “Simulation en MGS du deplacement du spermatozoide du nematode Ascaris Suum”, D.E.A. AMIB
  4. F. Gaubert, 2005, “Simulation stochastique et modelisation de chimie artificielle dans le langage MGS”, D.E.A. AMIB
  5. C. Kaleta, 2007, “Outils de visualisation pour la simulation de systemes dynamiques a structure dynamique”, Erasmus M1 student in Computer Science, Universitat Jena & University of Evry.